Thursday, September 01, 2005

09/01/2005: Hurricane Katrina

I have received several calls about what, if anything, Focus America is doing for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. After much thought, the decision has been made to research the best reflief effort agency and donate money to them in order to give them the financial resources to assist the people in need. We will find the relief agency who guarantees that 100% of the money donated will be used to help the victims (and not pay overhead).

Anyone who wishes to donate money may send it to Victims of Hurricane Katrica c/o Focus America (PO Box 267 Convent Station, NJ 07961). All money will be forwarded to the relief agency with a modest matching dollar amount from Focus America on your behalf. While we do not have the financial resources to match 100% of the money donated, we will do our best to insure that every donation has some additional contribution.

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